Listening Test

Performance Descriptors and Abilities Measured
Score Performance Descriptors and Abilities Measured
(523 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range can understand a few words, very simple phrases, and some short sentences that are spoken clearly and very slowly. Some test takers can recognize individual words such as numbers or days of the week. Some test takers can understand highly predictable questions and statements when they are spoken one phrase at a time. Some test takers may be able to understand a limited range of sentences consisting of very simple grammatical structures and very common vocabulary on very familiar topics.
16 to 25
(537 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range typically can understand some slowly spoken words, simple phrases, and short sentences on familiar topics. Test takers in this score range can understand short pieces of speech that are spoken clearly and very slowly. Generally they can understand short formulaic phrases, simple sentences, and simple grammatical structures when common vocabulary is used. They can understand short, predictable messages and instructions on familiar topics. They can understand unconnected speech, one sentence at a time.
26 to 38
(787 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range typically can understand short spoken sentences and a limited range of grammatical structures; they can understand short conversational exchanges on familiar topics. Typically test takers in this score range can understand speech that is clear and slow. They can usually understand key words, formulaic phrases and expressions, and relatively short, sentence-length speech. Generally test takers in this score range can understand spoken language on familiar topics and routines. They understand simple descriptions and information about people, family, shopping, location, and employment. Most of the time, test takers can understand simple sentences and simple grammatical structures, and they may inconsistently understand some complex sentences and structures. Test takers in this score range can occasionally understand implied meanings.
39 to 50
(874 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range typically can understand short spoken conversations and monologues made up of connected sentences and some complex structures. They can understand some implied meaning and some abstract ideas. Typically test takers in this score range can usually understand a range of common vocabulary and some complex sentences and grammatical structures. Generally test takers in this score range can understand concrete topics and some abstract ideas related to work and other familiar contexts. In this score range, test takers understand some implied meanings and can connect facts in conversations and short spoken monologues with information in a short written text. They can comprehend formal and informal spoken language if the topics are relevant and familiar.
Listening Abilities Measured
ㆍAppropriate Response : how well you identified an appropriate spoken response to a speaker in a brief spoken exchange. (119 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍShort Dialogue or Conversation : how well you understood a short dialogue or conversation spoken slowly. (105 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍShort Monologue : how well you understood a short talk spoken slowly by one speaker. (85 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍListening for Main Idea or Stated Fact : how well you understood the main idea or stated facts in short conversations and talks. (129 of 130 allotted characters)

Reading Test

Performance Descriptors and Abilities Measured
Score Performance Descriptors and Abilities Measured
15 to 18
(542 of 900 allotted characters)
In this score range, test takers may succeed in identifying a limited number of words and phrases related to very familiar needs.The words that test takers are likely to identify are very common words and/or phrases that are strongly supported by context. Some test takers may understand simple instructions such as ‘Stop,’ ‘No exit,’ especially with illustrations to help understanding. Occasionally they may be able to understand material longer than a single phrase. Some test takers may only be able to recognize letters of the alphabet.
19 to 33
(630 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range can typically identify familiar words and phrases in very short texts written with very common vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. They can understand some simple language on familiar topics.Typically test takers in this score range can understand very short texts on familiar topics. They can understand some simple phrases and sentences, especially those supported by visual cues and common formats. For example they can identify some details of written language on signs and in schedules. They may understand the overall meaning of simple texts by recognizing common words and phrases.
34 to 44
(891 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range can typically understand short texts written with common vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. They can understand simple language used to describe familiar topics. Typically test takers in this score range understand writing that is short and simple. They can understand the overall meaning of written language in a variety of formats such as e-mails, letters, and Web pages. They are developing familiarity with the basic organization of texts in English and can sometimes use this knowledge to support their understanding. They can usually understand both the overall meaning and the purpose of written communication on familiar topics such as family, shopping, and employment. Most of the time, test takers can understand simple sentences and simple grammatical structures, and they may occasionally understand a limited range of complex sentences.
45 to 50
(892 of 900 allotted characters)
Test takers in this score range can understand short written texts in personal, public, and familiar workplace contexts and across a range of formats. Typically test takers in this score range can understand a variety of common texts such as Web pages, letters, and articles written in formal and informal styles. They are familiar with the basic organization of short texts in English and can use this knowledge to support their understanding. They can understand vocabulary related to concrete topics as well as some abstract topics related to everyday life. They are familiar with a variety of grammatical structures and are developing the ability to understand complex sentences and structures. They can connect information across sentences. They can understand overall meaning, purpose, and many details. They can sometimes understand meaning that is implied rather than directly stated.
Reading Abilities Measured
ㆍVocabulary : how well you understood words or short phrases in simple written sentences. (89 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍGrammar : how well you understood the form, meaning, and use of simple grammatical structures in simple written sentences. (123 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍReading for Main Idea or Stated Fact : how well you understood the main idea or stated facts in short written texts. (117 of 130 allotted characters)
ㆍShort Informational Written Texts : how well you understood short, informational, descriptive, and expository written texts. (125 of 130 allotted characters)

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